How do I contact the Central Panhandle Fair in Bay County Florida?
You may always contact us by calling the Fair Manager at 850-769-2645 or by email at [email protected].
Is there in building rental space available currently?
Yes, we have 4 sections of the main building ready to meet your rental needs (Carr Hall, Exhibition Hall, Farmers Market and Legion Hall). Please contact the Fair Manager after reviewing the website information on each space option.
What are the Rental building (with Heat and A/C) space options?
Carr Hall | 35 feet by 80 feet | 2800 square feet |
Exhibit Hall | 38 feet by 211 feet | 8,018 square feet |
Farmers Market | 50 feet by 161 feet | 8,050 square feet |
Legion Hall | 33 feet by 94 feet | 3102 square feet |
Are Table and Chairs Available to rent?
Yes, please contact the Fair Manager to discuss your needs or review and select your needs on the Fair rental application located on this website.
Do you need information about the local American Legion Post #66?
Yes, please contact our Fair Manager who can provide information about how to reach or join W.C Cooper, Sr. Post # 66 DAV 17. Typically, meetings occur the second Thursday each month (7:00PM) at the Fairgrounds located at 2230 East Highway 98. The mailing address is PO Box 35007 Panama City Florida 32412. The DAV also meets the second Monday of each month at this same location and at the same time.
What do I need to do if special needs guests are attending a rental space Function?
Please contact the Fair Manager to discuss your needs.
In general, all Facilities are accessible. We are dedicated to continually improve our Fairground areas to ensure you have access. The Fair Manager welcomes and encourages all written suggestions or feedback. The following explains the services provided. For any accessibility-related questions and/or needs please call or email us and we will do our best to help you have an awesome experience!
- Wheelchair Accessibility: The venue is navigable for people with mobility disabilities. There are accessible pathways connected throughout the venue including parking, entrances and all other activity areas.
- Parking: Please follow signage or ask staff upon entering the Fairgrounds how to access parking.
- Service Animals: Persons with disabilities and their service dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for those persons with disabilities are welcome at the Fairgrounds, as are those training service dogs. Pets or Emotional Support animals are not allowed and will be turned away.
- Animals: Any animal whose task is to provide protection, emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship, is not considered a service animal and will not be allowed on the Fairground or into a venue.
- Visual Accommodations: If you would like a guided tour, please contact the Fair Manager no later than a week before an event begins. Any other request for visual assistance, please let the fair manager know two weeks in advance.
- Effective Communication Requests: If any attendee(s) requires effective communication in the form of an ASL Interpreter or closed captioning, please contact us the Fair Manager for options. Fairground Vendors may also provide devices to assist.
Does the Central Panhandle Fair in Bay County follow Public Health Guidelines?
We follow and encourage all Vendors or Patrons to follow current CDC Public Health Safety guidelines or any Public Health Safety guidelines issued from the State of Florida or Bay County Florida.
Do you have a lost and found department?
Yes, please go to the Fair Managers office to inquire about any lost item or to provide a found item.
Do you have an ATM available on Fairgrounds?
At this time there are no ATM’s on the Fairgrounds.
Do you have RV rental sites available?
We do not provide RV rental sites.
Do you have advance ticket sales for the Fair?
At this time, we do not provide advance ticket sales.
Is there alcohol available for sale at the Fairground(s)?
There are no alcohol sales allowed during any Fairground event.
Where can I park during an event?
There is both handicapped and venue parking available around our main building. There will be additional parking choices made available as needed for events. In general, signs or people assigned to help assist in the parking process will help you locate a parking space.
Will there be security available during the Fair?
Yes, security will be available during this event.
May I bring pets or emotional support animals onto the Fairground?
Pets or Emotional Support animals are not allowed and will be turned away.
Is the Fairground a smoke Free environment?
Yes, we are a tobacco and vape free facility.
How do I contact the Central Panhandle Fair in Bay County Florida?
You may always contact us by calling the Fair Manager at 850-769-2645 or by email at [email protected].
Is there in building rental space available currently?
Yes, we have 4 sections of the main building ready to meet your rental needs (Carr Hall, Exhibition Hall, Farmers Market and Legion Hall). Please contact the Fair Manager after reviewing the website information on each space option.
What are the Rental building (with Heat and A/C) space options?
Carr Hall | 35 feet by 80 feet | 2800 square feet |
Exhibit Hall | 38 feet by 211 feet | 8,018 square feet |
Farmers Market | 50 feet by 161 feet | 8,050 square feet |
Legion Hall | 33 feet by 94 feet | 3102 square feet |
Are Table and Chairs Available to rent?
Yes, please contact the Fair Manager to discuss your needs or review and select your needs on the Fair rental application located on this website.
Do you need information about the local American Legion Post #66?
Yes, please contact our Fair Manager who can provide information about how to reach or join W.C Cooper, Sr. Post # 66 DAV 17. Typically, meetings occur the second Thursday each month (7:00PM) at the Fairgrounds located at 2230 East Highway 98. The mailing address is PO Box 35007 Panama City Florida 32412. The DAV also meets the second Monday of each month at this same location and at the same time.
What do I need to do if special needs guests are attending a rental space Function?
Please contact the Fair Manager to discuss your needs.
In general, all Facilities are accessible. We are dedicated to continually improve our Fairground areas to ensure you have access. The Fair Manager welcomes and encourages all written suggestions or feedback. The following explains the services provided. For any accessibility-related questions and/or needs please call or email us and we will do our best to help you have an awesome experience!
- Wheelchair Accessibility: The venue is navigable for people with mobility disabilities. There are accessible pathways connected throughout the venue including parking, entrances and all other activity areas.
- Parking: Please follow signage or ask staff upon entering the Fairgrounds how to access parking.
- Service Animals: Persons with disabilities and their service dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for those persons with disabilities are welcome at the Fairgrounds, as are those training service dogs. Pets or Emotional Support animals are not allowed and will be turned away.
- Animals: Any animal whose task is to provide protection, emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship, is not considered a service animal and will not be allowed on the Fairground or into a venue.
- Visual Accommodations: If you would like a guided tour, please contact the Fair Manager no later than a week before an event begins. Any other request for visual assistance, please let the fair manager know two weeks in advance.
- Effective Communication Requests: If any attendee(s) requires effective communication in the form of an ASL Interpreter or closed captioning, please contact us the Fair Manager for options. Fairground Vendors may also provide devices to assist.
Does the Central Panhandle Fair in Bay County follow Public Health Guidelines?
We follow and encourage all Vendors or Patrons to follow current CDC Public Health Safety guidelines or any Public Health Safety guidelines issued from the State of Florida or Bay County Florida.
Do you have a lost and found department?
Yes, please go to the Fair Managers office to inquire about any lost item or to provide a found item.
Do you have an ATM available on Fairgrounds?
At this time there are no ATM’s on the Fairgrounds.
Do you have RV rental sites available?
We do not provide RV rental sites.
Do you have advance ticket sales for the Fair?
At this time, we do not provide advance ticket sales.
Is there alcohol available for sale at the Fairground(s)?
There are no alcohol sales allowed during any Fairground event.
Where can I park during an event?
There is both handicapped and venue parking available around our main building. There will be additional parking choices made available as needed for events. In general, signs or people assigned to help assist in the parking process will help you locate a parking space.
Will there be security available during the Fair?
Yes, security will be available during this event.
May I bring pets or emotional support animals onto the Fairground?
Pets or Emotional Support animals are not allowed and will be turned away.
Is the Fairground a smoke Free environment?
Yes, we are a tobacco and vape free facility.
Kidfest Has Been Canceled
Due to forecasted inclement weather, Kidfest has been canceled.
Event Cancellation Notice
The food giveaway scheduled for March 4, 2023 has been cancelled.
Our 12 New Horse Stalls Have Been Installed
We promised to keep you posted on the restoration process for the Fairground. This morning marked another completed project. We had the opportunity to work with Priefert Manufacturing representatives who installed 12 new horse stalls. Please take time to like and follow us on Facebook so that you stay informed about our progress. We would also like to thank the Priefert team who drove out from Mount Pleasant Texas for their expert help. A job well done.

PSA: Announced by WJHG -Monoclonal Antibody site closure Saturday December 4th.
PANAMA CITY, Fla. (WJHG/WECP) – According to Bay County health officials, the monoclonal antibody therapy treatment site at the Bay County Fairgrounds will close on Saturday, December 4.
Local health officials said the State of Florida has been working with a network of community partners to ensure the health care sector is able to administer the antibody treatment to residents.
We’re told the Florida Department of Health will continue to allocate doses of the monoclonal antibodies to health care providers ensuring inventory levels meet county demands.
Monoclonal antibody treatment locations can be found at FloridaHealthCOVID19.gov.
Gun Show February 26th and 27th 2022
This Event has been cancelled for Feb 26th and 27th. The next Gun Show will be May 19th and 20th, June 4th and 5th and August 20th and 21st.
Reminder About October Gun Show
Just a friendly reminder that the Fairgrounds will not be hosting a gun show at the end of this month. FEMA restoration on the midway still continues plus there is a Monoclonal Antibody infusion center utilizing part of the main Fairground Building to help residents of Bay County. In addition, there will not be a 2021 Fair as Fairground restoration continues.
Update on October Gun Show
The Gun Show scheduled for late October has been canceled at this location due to the Fairground(s) restoration project likely to continue through year end.
September 2021 Update
FEMA has begun the Fairground restoration project and at this time we do not have any information on when it may be completed. The Fairground Midway will remain closed until the restoration is completed. There will not be a 2021 Fair as a result of this plus other construction projects needed to fully restore the property.
August 2021 Update
The State of Florida in conjunction with Bay County Florida EOC has requested space be made available in our Main Building for the purpose of an Infusion Center which would provide Monoclonal Antibody Treatments for Covid 19 infected. The Central Panhandle Fair will be providing this space until December 2021. For more information please contact floridahealthcovid19.gov or the Bay County EOC at 850-248-6043. The Central Panhandle Fair in Bay County does not have any any additional information at this time.